Open House…?


Many people wonder about having an Open House when selling their home. Why do an Open House, Do Open Houses help to sell a home, How do I get my house ready for an Open House…?

Having an Open House is a great way to allow people to see your home.
There are many buyers in the market that enjoy looking on their own time without their agents. Open Houses allow those buyers into see homes on the market. Many times a buyer will fall in love with a home from an Open House…they will call their agent to see it again or to make an offer. Without the Open House that buyer might not of ever seen the home.

Do Open Houses help Sell a Home?
A simple YES is the answer…many homes are sold to buyers who have viewed the home during an Open House. I have had buyers make offers off of Open Houses a bit more than one might think!

How do I get my home ready for an Open House?
For most sellers getting a home ready for an Open House is quite easy since the home has already been prepared to sell. I would say that the key is to put personal items away such as jewelry, coins, and anything of value. Things do not go missing often but it is best to be careful. Next, make sure the home is clean…spotless is best. Finally, try to remove all animals if possible. Sometimes this is not possible so make sure they are in a location that will keep them safe and away from potential buyers.

For the most part your agent will take care of most of the items needed for an Open House. Having an Open House should not be difficult on the seller.

Personal Note…I often hear sellers say…I do not want it to be a parade of my neighbors coming through the home…I always say…”Maybe your neighbors know someone who would like to live in the area…having neighbors see your home is not a bad thing, they know people and can be the best advocates for the neighborhood.” Sellers would also be surprised at how few neighbors actually visit Open Houses…typically it is a small number.

If a seller would like to do a little something special for an Open House…fresh flowers and cookies always make buyers feel welcomed!

Thank you for reading my Northern Colorado Lifestyle Blog!
by Tamara Suppes, Northern Colorado Real Estate Agent
Northern Colorado Homes for Sale | Fort Collins Realtor